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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

WE | Explore Guatemala, Antigua & Volcan Acatenango | Episode 39

WE | Explore Guatemala, Antigua & Volcan Acatenango | Episode 39

Happy New Years!!!

On this episode of WE|Sail, watch now we take a break from sailing for a few months while hiding out from hurricanes in Guatemala, so we do as much exploring inland as we can, starting with a beautiful little place called Antigua.

This quaint little town is centrally located and absolutely covered with color and historic old ruins of some of the first Spanish settlers to arrive here. We spend several days just meandering around and getting to know this amazing Central American town. One of the main attractions here is the several surrounding active volcanoes, one of which erupts hourly, aptly named Volcan Fuego!

We join a local tour company to do an overnight trip where we climb Volcan Fuego's nearest and larger neighbor, Volcan Actenango where we are be blessed with amazing views of Volcan Fuego's eruptions all night long! It is an amazing journey and actually much more difficult than any of us expected.

Thank you for watching, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and maybe even consider being our PATREON to keep the videos alive!!! --

Lake Atitlan Guatemala ABSOLUTELY STUNS US! | Episode 40

Lake Atitlan Guatemala ABSOLUTELY STUNS US! | Episode 40

Sailing to Rio Dulce, Guatemala | Episode 38

Sailing to Rio Dulce, Guatemala | Episode 38

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