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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

Sailing to Rio Dulce, Guatemala | Episode 38

Sailing to Rio Dulce, Guatemala | Episode 38

On this episode of WE|Sail, watch now we come to the end of our first cruising season as we approach the mouth of the Rio Dulce in Guatemala. Here, WE will spend the next three months tucked away in this cruiser haven and hurricane hole.

We check out of Belize and arrive to the port town of Livingston, where we check into the country and cruise up the sweet river about 22 miles inland towards Lago Izabal and dock up to secluded eco-hotel and marina called Boatique. We will call this place home for the following months and look forward to exploring inland of the country.

Join us on the adventures of WE, as we start another chapter of this journey and continue to add to our list of lifelong memories.

For fellow cruisers interested in going to Rio Dulce…

Entering Livingston & the Rio Dulce:

Raul is very helpful when it comes to your arrival for clearance and clearing out of the Guatemala. He will assist with your cruising permits, extentions and even assisting with a tow service for boats with a deeper draft trying to get over the sandbar at the mouth of the river. He uses Whatsapp and is very responsive to help the cruising community while they stay in Guatemala.

Contact Raul Estuardo Morales Veliz

Maritime Services Agency

Tel; 5510-9104 / 7947-0888


Thank you for watching, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and maybe even consider being our PATREON to keep the videos alive!!! --

WE | Explore Guatemala, Antigua & Volcan Acatenango | Episode 39

WE | Explore Guatemala, Antigua & Volcan Acatenango | Episode 39

WE Sail Belize Part 3 | Episode 37

WE Sail Belize Part 3 | Episode 37

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