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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

Lake Atitlan Guatemala ABSOLUTELY STUNS US! | Episode 40

Lake Atitlan Guatemala ABSOLUTELY STUNS US! | Episode 40

WE are half way through our three month break from sailing for the hurricane season and still adventuring throughout inland Guatemala.

This episode WE watch now trek a little bit west from Antigua to an absolutely stunning getaway at Lake Atitlan. This beautiful mountain lake is surrounded by volcanoes in fact the lake it self is a crater from a volcano at one time. We waste not time exploring these beautiful vistas. Our time (and now this video) is filled with sightseeing, shopping, chocolate, zip lines, monkeys, butterflies, poolside recovery, boat rides, and just amazing times!!

We wander back and fourth to some of the main lakeside villages; San Marcos, San Juan and San Pedro. Each one offering a slightly different feel to the next.

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The Last of the Guatemalan Adventures to Semuc Chamey & Tikal | Episode 41

The Last of the Guatemalan Adventures to Semuc Chamey & Tikal | Episode 41

WE | Explore Guatemala, Antigua & Volcan Acatenango | Episode 39

WE | Explore Guatemala, Antigua & Volcan Acatenango | Episode 39

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