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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

WE Sail from Maui to Molokai | Episode 124

WE Sail from Maui to Molokai | Episode 124

This episode we get some spectacular final underwater exploring around the beautiful beaches of Maui before setting sail and sailing around the beautiful but secluded island of Molokai. WATCH NOW

We have enjoyed our short time visiting Maui and as our time comes to an end we spend it mostly underwater, snorkeling around some very beautiful areas that are just teeming with beautiful reef fish, turtles, and colorful reef fish. Next we sail from the Maui island to the isolated island of Molokai, where we are only allowed to view from the boat, as visits to shore require special permission. Molokai is a very special island, in that it is far of the beaten track of the usual visitor to Hawaii.

Molokai is also home to the largest sea cliffs on earth, giving us vistas like we have never seen before. Sit down and enjoy this once of a lifetime voyage around an incredible Hawaiian island!

Thanks for following the adventures of WE! Want a WE|Sail Hat??? Check out the WE|Sail $WAG $TORE

Thanks for watching and DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE!!!! CONSIDER BECOMING ONE OF OUR PATREONS are not supporting our lifestyle but more or less enjoying a really good show. So pop the popcorn, dim the lights, and sit back enjoy the show!

Since you can't go to the movies at the moment, this should be the next best thing:)



Sailing from Molokai to Oahu | Episode 125

Sailing from Molokai to Oahu | Episode 125

WE We're Maui Wowied on the Road to Hana | Episode 123

WE We're Maui Wowied on the Road to Hana | Episode 123

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