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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

WE Sold Our Boat & Started New Projects | Episode 132

WE Sold Our Boat & Started New Projects | Episode 132

We start a new chapter of adventures but this time it's on a new boat. WATCH NOW We have officially moved aboard our new 2015 Fountaine Pajot Helia sailing catamaran and begin the process of handing over the baton to the new owners of Evolias.

A lot of emotions are thrown at us in a short period, but we have done so much in such a short time that we put our heads down before we let our emotions get the best of us. In a matter of one month, we sold our land home back in Denver, Colorado, bought a new boat and now sold our first boat.

We hope you all continue to enjoy the adventures of WE, this time on a bigger boat! On this episode, we begin a whole new list of projects for SV VA.

This episode is packed with excitement and emotions of how we came into getting a new boat. Come along and follow the adventures of WE|Sail! We hope you enjoy the adventures of WE and thanks for watching.

Thanks for following the adventures of WE! Want a WE|Sail Hat??? Check out the WE|Sail $WAG $TORE Thanks for watching and DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE!!!! CONSIDER BECOMING ONE OF OUR PATREONS are not supporting our lifestyle but more or less enjoying a really good show. So pop the popcorn, dim the lights, and sit back enjoy the show! Since you can't go to the movies at the moment, this should be the next best thing:)


WE|Sail End of Season 3 Bloopers & Raw Funny Clips | Episode 133

WE|Sail End of Season 3 Bloopers & Raw Funny Clips | Episode 133

WE’re Moving onto a New Sailboat | Episode 131

WE’re Moving onto a New Sailboat | Episode 131

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