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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

Costa Rican Lock Down; Where to Sail to Now? | Episode 66

Costa Rican Lock Down; Where to Sail to Now? | Episode 66

On this episode of WE|sail, watch now we get eager to move up the coast and check out some new spots along the Costa Rican Pacific coast and get busted by the Coast Guard.

We say good-bye for now to our dear friends and buddy boat Lou & Steven on SV Wolfhound and plan to meet them later in the year and set sail for Costa Rica's longest left surf break just outside of the Osa Peninsula.

No other person in sight at a typically busy surf we anchor just beyond the break and Warren has the whole wave to himself. He attempts to surf one of the biggest waves he has been on in the last 10 years, not bad for a mountain boy.

The next day we are stopped by the Coast Guard and are told that surfing is no longer allowed, all the beaches are closed and there is nowhere left for us to go.

We discuss our plans for what and where to go to next!

Thank you for watching the Adventures of WE!


WE Sail, SUP & Monkey Around in Costa Rica | Episode 67

WE Sail, SUP & Monkey Around in Costa Rica | Episode 67

Sailboat Life; The Ultimate Quarantine in Costa Rica | Episode 65

Sailboat Life; The Ultimate Quarantine in Costa Rica | Episode 65

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