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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

Are WE There Yet? Sailing Up the Pacific Coast of Mexico | Episode 73

Are WE There Yet? Sailing Up the Pacific Coast of Mexico | Episode 73

On this episode of WE|Sail, watch now we have reached two weeks at sea sailing up the Pacific Coast of Mexico from Costa Rica. We thought for sure that this was just at our half way mark of reaching our destination, until we received a weather report predicting zero wind for the next week.

What did that mean for us? Well, we were just getting into the groove of things, the rock and sway of the boat. Enjoying our days from sun up to sun down, reading, playing games, learning new hobbies and eagerly waiting for a cold tasty margarita when we reach land. Things were not so bad at sea, in fact we were happier here than we probably would be on land, especially during the COVID lockdown.

However, no wind for the next week meant that we were going to be becalmed again, and that our estimated time to arrive to Cabo would be an additional two weeks. SO... as captain of the boat, Warren made a decision to turn towards the closest land instead of Cabo.

Before we make landfall, we experience a couple squalls, gales after a few days of zero to no wind and start re-evaluating what our route will be next!

Thank you for watching the Adventures of WE!


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WE Made Landfall to Mexico After Sailing for 18 Days | Episode 74

WE Made Landfall to Mexico After Sailing for 18 Days | Episode 74

We Could Use Some Wind in Our Sails Right About Now!! Sailing the Pacific Ocean | Episode 72

We Could Use Some Wind in Our Sails Right About Now!! Sailing the Pacific Ocean | Episode 72

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