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Welcome to WE|Sail! WE are Warren & Erica Cook. Newlyweds. Retired. Vagabonds. Sailors. And ready for the next destination. WE will document our adventures and hope to have you join us along the way! Follow our journey...

WE | Sail Across the Gulf Stream to Mexico | Episode 33

WE | Sail Across the Gulf Stream to Mexico | Episode 33

On this episode of WE | Sail click here to watch we sail out from Cuba with a 24 hour passage ahead to Mexico. During the crossing we finally have a little better luck with our fishing lines as we cross over the Gulf Stream. We receive a warm welcome to Mexico by a HUGE pod of dolphins who hung around even after we get two fish on the line simultaneously!

Once dropping the hook in Mexico we first explored a small island off of Cancun called Isla Mujeres. After a few day scootering around the island we continue our sail south towards Belize and further still from Hurricane Alley!

Enjoy and thank you for watching the Adventures of WE!

Sailing the Yucatan & Exploring Tulum | Episode 34

Sailing the Yucatan & Exploring Tulum | Episode 34

WE| Explore Havana, Cuba | Episode 32

WE| Explore Havana, Cuba | Episode 32

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